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4.1: uix.Empty Go back up one level

Create an empty space

obj = uix.Empty( )
creates an empty space object that can be used in layouts to add gaps between other elements.
obj = uix.Empty( param, value, ... )
also sets one or more property values.

uix.Empty properties

The empty space is achieved using a container that monitors its parent's color and changes its own to match.

BeingDeleted on | offDeletion status.
HandleVisibility on | offVisibility of the object.
Parent empty GraphicsPlaceholder array | figure | containerParent of the object.
Position [x y w h]Position (x,y) and size (w,h) within figure or container.
Tag stringTag to associate with object.
Type stringType of graphics object.
Units inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixels | charactersPosition units.
Visible on | offVisibility.

For example:

f = figure();
box = uix.HBox( 'Parent', f, 'Spacing', 5 );
uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'Background', 'r' )
uix.Empty( 'Parent', box )
uicontrol( 'Parent', box, 'Background', 'g' )

See also:
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